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What`s New Artistic Swimming

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Latest Versions

ISS MMS 6.6.4 World Aquatics 2022-2025 July 2024

ISS Coach Card 2.0.2 March 2024

I-Judge 2.0.8 May 2024

What`s New

  • [6.6.4] Minor updates when working in Chinese.
  • [6.6.4] Year of birth not showing on all start lists in Chinese. Fixed.
  • [6.6.3] Year of birth not showing on all start lists. Fixed.
  • [6.6.2] TOTAL DIFFICULTY on the detailed results report was displayed on the wrong line.
  • [6.6.1] Trying to generate DTC slips with explanation for Trios will no longer
          generate an error.
          Note that Trio is not a recognized AQUA event and the report is not available.
  • [6.6.1] Checking the APNOEA bonus will no longer disable the enter key
          to move to the next routine.
  • [6.6.1] i-judge option to suppress judge feedback (avg scores of previous routine).
  • [6.6.1] Reporting option to show declared difficulty on start lists.
  • [6.6.1] Summary report shows actual DD.
  • [6.6.1] Detailed results report. Sub total for panels with only 4 judges
          displayed the wrong sub total. The routine score is correct.
  • [6.6.1] Try to create excel files with illegal windows file names has been fixed.
  • [6.6.1] Detailed results report. Declared and Actual DD totals.
  • [6.6.1] Exporting your timetable to Excel now includes the routine times
          to help you time out your event.
  • [6.6.1] Exporting results. Now includes reserve swimmers.
  • [6.6.1] Exporting results. Option to generate by club/country only.
         Helps to calculate club points.
  • [6.6.0] Minor formatting change to the figures summary report.
  • [6.6.0] Coach Card Chits in landscape with longer notes field
  • [6.6.0] XML data interface shows the elements total after subtracting the STC deductions.
  • [6.6.0] New factors (March 2024) are set as the default from the timetable.
          Click the Question mark to apply them.
  • [6.6.0] Set the Apnoea bonus in the timetable. Default is 40 points.
  • [6.6.0] Changing events will update the i-Judge consoles. Bug fix.
  • [6.6.0] Gender will be displayed on start lists, entry lists, detailed results
          and announcer report for mixed events and figures.
  • [6.6.0] Synchronization judges will not be displayed on solo event reports.
  • [6.6.0] Synchronization judges will not be displayed on the scoreboard for solo events.
  • [6.6.0] Phantom carry over scores while testing are now deleted.
  • [6.6.0] Elements description is included on the scoring report "Coach Card Explanations"
  • [6.6.0] New report "Detailed Timetable", listing all the event settings.
  • [6.5.9] Improvements to XML import of registration - auto removal of extra spaces in names.
  • [6.5.9] Improvements to XML import of registration - auto capitalization of club names.
  • [6.5.9] Competition : Export : Export all individual routine results.
  • [6.5.9] Competition : Export : Export all individual overall results.
  • [6.5.9] Scoring allows for STC deductions to exceed 99.
  • [6.5.9] Reporting option to change date format from
          DD.MMM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY (no text month).
  • [6.5.4] XML import of registration recognizes the new event disciplines.
  • [6.5.4] Minor updates when using the software in French.
  • [6.5.4] Referee was showing as Chief Recorder on the start lists and results.
  • [6.5.4] Mixed Team has been changed to Team. We will not be using the word OPEN to
          describe the event as it conflicts with the gender assignments in Great Britain.
  • [6.5.4] Software was generating a version error for any coach card using
          version 2 or higher. Fixed.
  • [6.5.2] New Men Solo event was coming up as a Figures event. Fixed.
  • [6.5.1] New Declared Difficulty rules. Announced Dec. 23, 2023
  • [6.5.1] New Event names Male --> Men. Women preceeds non Men and Mixed events.
  • [6.5.1] Laps event has been replaced with Men Solo.
  • [6.5.1] DTC report explaining the acrobatic as per the acro guide.
  • [6.5.1] Export all results for all swimmers in all events to an Excel file.
  • [6.5.1] Save Practice Judge scores to Excel from the new menu in the
          Practice Scores window.
  • [6.5.1] Select the number of pre-swimmers for figures when printing rotation
          and graph sheets.
  • [6.5.1] Print heading for a draw from Reports section fixed.
  • [6.43] Updated Figures DD list. I had no idea they changed Jan. 10, 2023.
  • [6.43] Resizeable announcer screen.
  • [6.43] Print heading for the draw corrected.
  • [6.42] Chief and Assistant scorers for Figures did not show properly on the report.
  • [6.42] PDF report name for "Start List" was blank.
  • [6.42] Updated Figures list to include USA AS AWD figures and corrected Barracuda.
  • [6.41] 2023-2024 Figures updates for USA AS (Novice and Intermediate).
  • [6.41] Inclusion of the International Coach Card.
  • [6.41] Minor report formatting corrections.
  • [6.40] In version 6.39 Mixed Team was treated as a solo event for reporting. STC scores
          did not appear on the detailed results.
  • [6.39] Opening an event that has already been scored shows the wrong scores for STC
          in the scoring table. The reports and totals are correct. A visual bug.
          It has been there forever.
  • [6.39] Connecting i-Judge causes software to lock up. Scoring window all messed up.
  • [6.39] Ability to hide/show the STC grid for STC in i-Judge. It will always be visible for
          the Referees.
  • [6.39] Showing Judge nations on reports was messed up on the previous release. Fixed.
  • [6.36] Printing Figures Rotation sheets. Enter a zero to ignore a figure.
  • [6.36] Help button in timetable to explain and assign factors.
  • [6.36] New Graph Sheets for Figures reports. One Excel tab per figure.
  • [6.36] Two new gender identifiers (G = Gender inclusive O = Open).
  • [6.36] Ability to not show swimmer/team when using i-judge.
  • [6.36] Inclusion of Total DD on DTC judge slips.
  • [6.36] Inclusion of Total DD on Coach Card Preview.
  • [6.36] Scorboard fix for overall scores.
  • [6.36] We jump a few versions during testing.
  • [6.36] Chinese scoreboard and reports (still testing).
  • [6.36] Spanish scoreboard and reports (still testing).

What`s New
ISS Coach Card

  • [2.0.2] Includes new movements file.
  • [2.0.2] Compatible with old Event names.
  • [2.0.1] Acro-B #129 corrected. Awaiting AQUA confirmation of the typo.
  • [2.0.1] New Event names Male --> Men. Women preceeds non Men and Mixed events.
  • [2.0.1] New Declared Difficulty rules.
  • [2.0.1] Removal of brackets when not 100% are eligible for the Bonus.
  • [2.0.1] Updated definitions as per the new Difficulty Guide.
  • [1.5.6] International Version of the software now included. Replaces certain characters that
          cannot be displayed in some countries.
  • [1.5.6] International Version ‘ --> ` ’ --> ` ² --> 2 » --> >> Either version can be used
          to build a coach card.
  • [1.5.6] New acrobatics codes added.
  • [1.5.5] Inclusion of CAN CUASL Required Elements.
  • [1.5.4] New Edit buttons to modify the hybrid or bonus by typing.
  • [1.5.3] File Name age group will be uppercase for easier archiving.
  • [1.5.3] Limit to the file name length.
  • [1.5.2] SY-2P changed to 2SY-P
  • [1.5.2] Load a coach card, any coach card and the program will check for
          DD errors automatically.
  • [1.5.2] Implementation of DD rule : "A coach may declare that movement
          a maximum of 4x when factored." Previously limited to 2 wholes.
  • [1.5.1] Updated Difficulties as defined by AQUA.
  • [1.5.1] CRC validation enhanced. Still had some inconsistencies. I think we got it this time.
  • [1.5.0] Limit to the length of the competitors description.
  • [1.5.0] CRC validation enhanced. Had some inconsistencies.
  • [1.5.0] Import a Colorado Time Systems coach card.
  • [1.5.0] Import a Swiss Timing coach card.

What`s New

  • [2.0.8] Changing from an event with fewer elements no longer
          shows phantom scores in the grey area.
  • [2.0.7] Reactive STC buttons. They flash.
  • [2.0.6] New Declared Difficulty rules.
  • [2.0.6] Referee screen wasn't displaying the correct element status P/F/R.
  • [2.0.6] Last routine sends the current scores to i-Judge.
  • [2.0.6] Using a super high resolution will no longer show a shadow of the previous page.
  • [2.0.6] STC see a log of their Major errors and when they occured.
  • [2.0.6] If an STC decreases the number of Majors observed, Obvious will be increased.
  • [2.0.6] Referee sees a log of all Major errors and when they occured.
  • [2.0.5] Referee screen follows along with the routine clock.
  • [2.0.5] Referee screen resizes the elements to fit the box.
  • [2.0.5] DATC screen shows the element DD.
  • [2.0.5] DATC sends the actual DD to scoring.
  • [2.0.4] Minor enhancements. A must have.
  • [2.0.3] Minimize option has been removed.
  • [2.0.3] Timer position with the new scoring system has been re-instated.
  • [2.0.3] Electronic STC Deductions work as per the AQUA 1/2 second rules.

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